CrowdSim 2 - Unity Crowd Simulator
CrowdSim2 is an extension of crowd simulation tool designed in Unity for the purpose of generation massive synthetic data.
Such a generated data from crowd simulation enables to validate various methods in terms of tracking multiple people
and detect objects (in that example pedestrians and cars).
Information summarizing number of folders, seconds and frames of data for different weather conditions
Condition |
Folders |
Seconds |
Frames |
Sun |
2899 |
86 970 |
2 174 250 |
Rain |
1633 |
48 990 |
1 224 750 |
Fog |
1653 |
49 590 |
1 239 750 |
Snow |
1646 |
49 380 |
1 234 500 |
Use our work
author={Agnieszka Szczęsna and Paweł Foszner and Adam Cygan and Bartosz Bizoń and Michał Cogiel and Dominik Golba and Luca Ciampi and Nicola Messina and Elżbieta Macioszek and Michał Staniszewski},
Exemplary views from CrowdSim2: junction and park with moving pedestrians and cars along with examples of snow and rain weather conditions that can be generated.
Benchmark Dataset
Zenodo dataset
This work was supported by: European Union funds awarded to Blees Sp. z o.o. under grant POIR.01.01.01-00-0952/20-00 "Development of a system for analysing vision data captured by public transport vehicles interior monitoring, aimed at detecting undesirable situations/behaviours and passenger counting (including their classification by age group and the objects they carry)"; EC H2020 project "AI4media: a Centre of Excellence delivering next generation AI Research and Training at the service of Media, Society and Democracy" under GA 951911; research project (RAU-6, 2020) and projects for young scientists of the Silesian University of Technology (Gliwice, Poland); research project INAROS (INtelligenza ARtificiale per il mOnitoraggio e Supporto agli anziani), Tuscany POR FSE CUP B53D21008060008. Publication supported under the Excellence Initiative - Research University program implemented at the Silesian University of Technology, year 2022. This research was supported by the European Union from the European Social Fund in the framework of the project "Silesian University of Technology as a Center of Modern Education based on research and innovation" POWR.03.05.00- 00- Z098/17 We are thankful for students participating in design of Crowd Simulator: Piotr Bartosz, Stanislaw Wróbel, Marcin Wola, Angelika Gluch and Marek Matuszczyk.